

Photo by Worlds Apart Studios.

Hi, my name is Sovann, thanks for stopping by my site.

I’m a licensed professional counselor here in the beautiful city of Portland, OR.
I’ve been doing counseling for 20 years, working with individuals and couples. I’ve been talking to people about how tired they are for years:
tired of being sleep-deprived and physically sick,
tired of acting out with behavior and addictions that go against their values, their faith and who they really are
Tired of being afraid, alone, isolated
Tired of unhealthy relationships and self-sabotaging patterns
Tied of not of feeling good enough
Tired of working so hard and not getting anywhere
Tired of performing, wearing a mask

I love counseling because it offers healing and freedom from those old patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
It helps you live a different way because it’s a place to tell your story and write your story, in a healing way. Sometimes it helps you discover a new you, sometimes it helps you find yourself again or who you really are.

As a husband of 30 years and dad and grandpa of three, I enjoy helping families by helping parents with parenting challenges and with the stresses of communication, conflict, and disconnection in marriage.
I like to say I like to help couples get their best friend back when they lose each other.
As a health coach, I’ve also coached many people to achieve their healthy lifestyle goals like losing weight, quitting tobacco, being physically active, and manage their stress.
A lot of that time has been working with insomnia, porn and sexual addiction, anxiety, and depression; often those things are symptoms, symptoms of a broken past, an overwhelming present, or an uncertain future.

Do you want to heal from a broken past?
Are you struggling with stress and conflict?
With balancing work and family?
Are you wrestling with finding your purpose and life, the work you are meant to do, and clear direction for the future?
Have you gone through a loss or unexpected transition?

Counseling is a great way to work through these challenges and find solutions to them.
Counseling can help make your fears smaller and your dreams bigger.
Counseling helps with behavior change but it also takes you deeper, below the surface, to the depths of your heart.
While there is a lot of science to it, I’ve found counseling to be more like an exploration, a creative journey that is more like art and an adventure.
It is a place to explore your past, who you are, and who you want to be.

I enjoy working with introverts, artists, creatives, leaders, perfectionists, procrastinators – folks who are introspective and talented but feel stuck, unfulfilled, or anxious. I love helping them find their voice and the courage and permission to act on their dreams and goals and overcome their over-thinking and fear of failure.
I like working collaboratively with clients to help them write the story of the life they want to live;
it is a story that doesn’t always end with “happily ever after”, but I see regularly folks who experience redemption, acceptance, and healing of the brokenness and grief they’ve endured.
Besides making counseling a creative and artistic process, I work at making it very practical by encouraging goal-setting, assigning homework, and experiments.
Counseling has to produce change, healing, growth, and improvement, otherwise, why do it?
I also find it fun and helpful help folks discover their personality traits, strengths, talents and passions, and ways to use them in life.  Understanding who you are and growing in self-awareness is a great key to improving in expressing empathy, in communication, in relationships and social intelligence.
If you have any questions for me, about counseling or would like to schedule an appointment feel free to contact me at A New Day Counseling Center.
I’d love to hear your story.

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. I’m liking what I read here. What resources can you advise for facing professional and financial failure at 60+ in the age of a pandemic?

    1. Hi Ruth,

      Sorry for the delay in responding!

      I’d recommend the books Do Over by Jon Acuff, 48 Days To The Work You Love by Dan Miller and Pivot by Jenny Blake.
      If you search on YouTube you’ll find interviews that summarize the books. You can also hear Dan Miller on the Read to Lead Podcast.
      Jenny Blake has a Pivot podcast as well.
      I hope you are doing well.

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